Guest Blog: From The Partner of a Survivor
I’m the guy who grasps the treasure but then seems to hit every booby trap on the way out, never seeing the triggers until it’s too late
#triggers #survivor #ptsd #csa #childabuse #sexualabuse
I’m the guy who grasps the treasure but then seems to hit every booby trap on the way out, never seeing the triggers until it’s too late
#triggers #survivor #ptsd #csa #childabuse #sexualabuse
Can we live free of #trauma as if it has never happened? or do we gain more #understanding and become better at dealing with it so it doesn’t impact us as much…
#ptsd #sexualabuse #csa #childabuse #triggers
Ever wondered what a male response to being with a female survivor is? Ever wondered what do males want in sex? Wonder no more…
#femalesurvivor #sex #csa #partnership #consent #boundaries #feelingsafe
Do we continue our lives in withdrawal, pain and hurt or do we face the pain and our vulnerability and allow it to dissolve? And what happens when we don’t? I interviewed Zac to ask some of these questions.
I really wanted to know how male partners thought and felt about sex when they were with a female survivour. Well! I asked and their responses have shocked me (in a good way)…
Sometimes when we are feeling the most hopeless, the universe sends us these guides, angels and friends who restore our faith in this life and who help us be hopeful again. My life would have never been the same without these angels…
Many adults who have experienced childhood sexual abuse, experience sexual dysfunction in their romantic relationships. Fortunately, there is a way out… We don’t have to continue this cycle of suffering
Wouldn’t it be great If we understood what is at the core of our relationship failures? Learn how trauma impacts our beliefs and impacts our relationships.