Reclaiming our Gender, our Sexuality and our Power...
Is for women who believe that they are inferior and don’t deserve love and respect…
… and wonder why they feel so shamed?
Is for women who abandon their own sexuality…
… and wonder what they did to deserve this?
Is for women who continue accepting abuse in the name of honour
… and hope that Allah will reward them in the afterlife
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My Blogs
A Turning Point in my Life
In our bedroom, there is a large oil painting of me hanging on one of the walls. Oh, wait… I rephrase! It’s a huge painting of me – about 120cm by 80cm – created from a nude photo shoot that I did in May 2015. I am standing sideways, and the view is such that […]
The Camera my Father Held
This story was aired on PlainsFM radio.
He struggled to enjoy when I took him places and he was stunned when I told him that I loved him, and I understood that he did the best he could in raising us. I don’t think he knew how to respond.
I could have been an Extremist
“If you say the word ‘pig’, Allah will not accept your prayers for 40 days.” Sounds strange, right? In the slums of Karachi Pakistan, I grew up listening to phrases like these, presented to me as commandments of God. The Allah of Islam, portrayed through the Muslim scholars (imams) of my time, had a myriad […]
To say to not to say – The pitfalls of Islamophobia
I experienced love, compassion and forgiveness from Muslims in a way that I had never experienced before. The word ‘Islam’ means peace, and this is what I saw in the wake of what could have created decades of inter-religious animosity.