Why people hurt other people
Lucifer Effect – when good people do bad things – and they don’t even know sometimes
Yes, it could have turned out real bad
This is the blog about my exploration into Yengo National Park in NSW. I now know how tourists get into all sorts of trouble in Australia 😉
I want to feel safe (A plea to partners around the world)
Hyper-sensitivity and hyper-alertness, specially in a sexual situation is a common way to create safety when having sex. But there is another way, our partners can help us heal that sense of sexual safety.
Victims, Survivors… These Bloody Labels!
Do our experiences define us or they limit us? What do these labels like “victim” and “survivor of sexual abuse” mean? should we even use them?
First Steps towards the Healing Journey
Healing Journey doesn’t need to be harder than necessary. If we plan well, we can make it a smoother process for us and our loved ones.
Anatomy of Childhood Sexual Abuse Trauma
The mind of a child doesn’t have capacity to handle something so intense and traumatising. There are very special brain activities that occur to handle such an experience