Reclaiming our Gender, our Sexuality and our Power...
Is for women who believe that they are inferior and don’t deserve love and respect…
… and wonder why they feel so shamed?
Is for women who abandon their own sexuality…
… and wonder what they did to deserve this?
Is for women who continue accepting abuse in the name of honour
… and hope that Allah will reward them in the afterlife
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My Blogs
Do you REALLY want to heal? May the Force be with you…
What can be stronger than the all mighty and all paralyzing fear? what can help us move forward when our flashbacks and nightmares keep us stuck in pain?
Celebrating First Anniversary
It has been a year since Healing Wounds Together was launched. This blog is an acknowledgement to myself for all the hard work and to you – my reader coz without you, all of this is worthless…
#csa #childabuse #trauma #healing #sexuality #rubyusman
Releasing Trauma from Our Sex Organs
Aren’t our sex organs a kind of “muscle”? So why wouldn’t a muscle therapy work on our sex organs as well? Exercise for strength and massage for healing.
#ptsd #shame #sexuality #csa #childabuse
Guest Blog: From The Partner of a Survivor
I’m the guy who grasps the treasure but then seems to hit every booby trap on the way out, never seeing the triggers until it’s too late
#triggers #survivor #ptsd #csa #childabuse #sexualabuse